Digital School project won gold medal in Computerworld Honours Program

Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications is for National Project Digital School won the annual award of the gold medal American magazine Computerworld.

Computerworld Honours Program was organized this year by 25th time in order to draw attention to the contribution of individuals and organizations from government and NGOs from around the world whose visionary accomplishments and use of information technologies are a catalyst for social, economic and educational change. Nominations are divided into 11 separate categories including: economic development, new technologies, innovation, access to mobile networks, health, social activity, collaboration, philanthropy, safety and security, sustainability and global well-being (World-Good) in which the Ministry of Foreign and domestic trade and telecommunications received a gold medal for the Digital School project.

Awarding Medal winners for outstanding contribution in encourage social policy and raising prosperity of citizens around the world with the help of information technology held on June 3rd 2013 in Washington DC, USA.

Digital School, the largest project of IT equipment in high schools, which was conducted in the Republic of Serbia, provided that every school in Serbia gets modernly, equipped computer cabinet. In this way, every student and teacher in Serbia, it is possible to use computers and information technology for educational purposes. The project is unique in the world in that it included all primary schools and equips more than 3,000 school buildings with more than 30,000 computers.

Among the other winners Computerworld Honours Program, are the United Nations, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, Cisco, the ministries of the United States, India, Luxembourg, the universities and institutes of science and technological development of the world, NASA, FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as many others.

Each of the winners has demonstrated how ICT contributes to institutions, citizens and society in general, to be more competitive, innovation, transparent, and hence more prosperous.