Emergency adoption of regulations for qualified providers of trust services in electronic transactions

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that for the implementation of the new Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions, the priority is the creation of bylaws regulating qualified trust services in electronic transactions.

In the meeting with Mihailo Jovanović, director of the Office for Information Technologies and e-Governance of the Government of Serbia and director Nenad Paunović, and member of the delivery unit for information technologies and entrepreneurship at the PM Office of the Republic of Serbia, State Secretary has announced that, in the light of a faster application of the new law, in the shortest period of time and before the legally defined deadline of maximum six months, a Regulation on detailed conditions for provision of qualified trust services, and the Rulebook on detailed conditions to be met by the means of creation of qualified electronic signature and seal, will be created.

Хитно доношење прописа за квалификоване пружаоце услуга од поверења у електронском пословању

“The mentioned acts will define detailed conditions to be met by the providers of trust services, as well as for the ensuring of data confidentiality, protection from counterfeiting, unauthorised use, etc. and it will ensure a signature in the cloud, which will, among other things, contribute and improve the portal of electronic public administration”, says Ms Matič, pointing out that it is important to adopt the Rulebook on detailed conditions to be met by qualified electronic certificates.

In maximum six months the Regulation of detailed conditions to be met by the schemes of electronic identifications for certain reliability levels, Rulebook on the Register of providers of services of electronic identification and schemes of electronic identifications, Rulebook on the content and manner of keeping the Register of qualified trust services, as well as the Rulebook on the content and manner of keeping the Register of qualified means for creation of electronic signatures and electronic seals should be adopted.