IT Caravan 02

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is starting this year’s campaign for the “IT Caravan” in Novi Pazar, on Wednesday, April 12, in the Centre of Culture Novi Pazar, starting at 10 o’clock.
This occasion will include an interactive presentation for the pupils of the primary school “Bratstvo” and “Stefan Nemanja”, on the rules of Internet use, safety risks of Internet use and social networks, and the use of information and communication technologies in education.

“IT caravan” is a mobile platform promoting the advantages and dangers of information technologies in the programme for developing of the information society, implemented by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications under the slogan “Smart and Safe”.

This year’s partners of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications on the project are Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Interior, “Save the Children” Organisation and “Microsoft” company.

The first IT caravan in 2016, realised in 15 cities, when the presentation was attended by over 500 primary school pupils. This year’s cycle plans to visit 13 cities.