60.000 vouchers next year

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said that for the next year the government will allocate funds for granting 60.000 vouchers for holidays in Serbia.

“We are planning to prepare a new Regulation to be realised based on the previous experience, and there is also the possibility of involving new categories of the population. Distribution of the vouchers will start on January 1, 2017”, Minister has announced.

Mr Ljajić has stressed that next year we need to be careful and prevent any attempts of abuse since there have been a few so far. Also, according to the suggestions of the citizens, we will consider the possibility to accelerate the procedure of submitting the applications for the voucher use.

According to the Minister’s words, in 2016 there have been more than 600 hospitality facilities registered in Serbia where vouchers could be used, and we expect their number to increase next year.

“Vouchers and divided winter holiday have significantly extended the tourist season”, Mr Ljajić pointed out. “They have contributed to the affirmation of our destinations, and now many countries became interested in this system of vouchers. The winter holiday extended the ski season, and the price of accommodation and stay are a bit more affordable than they used to be”, Minister concluded.