Europe Code Week

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić, will ceremonially open the Europe Code Week on Friday, October 14, at 11 o’clock, in the Started Centre, Savska 5, Belgrade.

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in cooperation with the Stated Centre, will celebrate the Europe Code Week, with the promotional lectures intended for the pupils from the second to the eighth grade of primary school, with the aim to make the programming, information know-how and skills close to them.

The pupils will be shown the successful young people working in the field of coding and robotics, and they will get the instructions how to learn in an easy and interesting way to use codes for making interesting and useful programs on their own.

This year’s Europe Code Week will be celebrated from 15th to 23rd October, and it will host a number of events with the aim to promote coding and information technologies.

Европска недеља програмирања
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has invited all the representatives of the IT community to participate in this code week and to register the events they organise to the site For more information about this initiative visit the web site