Call for proposals for e-trustmark

Call for proposals for organizations that want to continue the process of accreditation and awarding trustmarks in electronic commerce (E-trustmark) to small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs initiated by the e-Business Development Project was opened on 1 September 2016.

This call for proposals aims to ensure the sustainability of the results achieved by the e-Business Development Project, which relate to the design, development and implementation of trustmarks in electronic commerce (E-trustmark). In addition, this call aims to identify the organization to which the Project will transfer intellectual property rights, logo and a database of accredited SMEs and entrepreneurs. The task of the selected organization will be to continue the work started by the project, and to develop it further and incorporate it into the e-commerce business community in Serbia.

In the absence of initiatives in the field of issuing trustmarks in electronic business and lack of information about this business concept among stakeholders and other businesses in Serbia, the Project initiated several activities to create business and regulatory market conditions necessary for the implementation of E-trustmark principles.

E-trustmark is a new concept in the industry of e-business in Serbia. Whether one is talking about cross-border trade or the local market, one of the key factors for the development of e-commerce is the establishment of trust between consumers and sellers of goods and services. The role of the trustmark is to establish this relationship: the trustmark in e-business is a sign placed on the e-store website, which is the guarantor of trust and reliability of the web store and which is issued by an independent body.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 30 September 2016.