Tatjana Matić on the Morning Programme of TV Pink

The mobile operators Telekom, Telenor and VIP Mobile have purchased the frequency range of 800 megahertz, made available after the introduction of digital television, for a total of EUR 105 million.

There are multiple benefits of this sale for the citizens. Other than the EUR 105 million paid to the budget, better access to the mobile network and faster internet in rural areas are also expected.

“All research worldwide indicates that larger and better telecommunications infrastructures reduce the gap between rural and urban areas and provide for much greater economic growth”, said Tatjana Matić.

Telekom, Telenor and VIP Mobile will soon receive the required permits, and are expected to start investing in the development of the network as of the New Year.

“For us, as the Ministry, it is very important that the money invested by the state produced multiple returns, while at the same time the citizens will have a much better service, much better connections, and the entire field of mobile telephony will be far more developed during next year”, said Tatjana Matić.

Digitalization in Serbia was initiated in 2006, with the entire process costing around EUR 40 million, with EUR 10 million as an EU donation.

“During last year we managed to demonstrate the importance of this process to the public and provide free set top boxes for all those with a disadvantaged social status. In the end, the result of this entire effort we made is that we collected EUR 105 million for the budget and all of us, as citizens and users of mobile telephones, will have a much better network”, said the State Secretary.

Serbia is among the countries with the highest prices achieved in the sale of the frequency spectrum. Earlier during the year part of the 1800 megahertz spectrum was sold by the state for EUR 21 million, making the total amount earned from sales EUR 126 million.