“Walter’s Route“ for Chinese tourists

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said, as a guest in the RTS Dnevnik news programme, that Serbia as an independent touristic destination in terms of attracting a large number of Chinese tourists, has no really big chances.

“It is necessary to gather the potentials, and so Serbia with Montenegro can offer a package tour “Walter’s Route” to the Chinese tourists, says the Minister.

Mr Ljajić has stated that the newly established flight between Belgrade and Beijing is of enormous significance when it comes to the economy, economic cooperation between the two countries, and also when it comes to the growth of our touristic potential.

“Just to remind that starting from 2012 Chinese tourists are the first when it comes to spending, when speaking of the touristic travels, and last year only more than 330 billion dollars were spent by Chinese tourists. We speak of 135 million Chinese tourists, travelling around the world, and according to that, each country, whether it is a touristically important destination or not, is fighting to bring a percentage of those tourists”, says Mr Ljajić.

As he has said, Serbia, as a “mono destination”, has no really big chances in terms of attracting a large number of Chinese tourists, even though he has said that this year’s growth is amazing 172 per cent.

It should be also said that, as Minister himself believes. Chinese tourists usually visit at least two, and usually three countries while travelling, and that in our country the best sold arrangements are those offering the package which includes visits to Italy, France and Switzerland.

Also, as Minister said, there are also talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina about the joint touristic products, with Hungary there is a clear plan being designed for the Chinese market. “To attract a large number of tourists, we have to offer regional touristic products and this is what we are doing”, says Mr Ljajić.

He underlines that Serbia is one of rare countries in Europe, and even in the world, having the visa-free regime with China, and that the touristic economy, tour operators, travel agencies, businessmen should use that chance.

“This is a good chance for us. Are we going to make this chance into something big, depends only on us”, Mr Ljajić has said.