Upper Austria is interested in investing on the Danube

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić met today in Belgrade with the Secretary for Economy and Tourism of the Upper Austria, Michael Strugl, with whom he discussed the overall improvement of economic cooperation, with special emphasis on the area of tourism.

On that occasion, Secretary Strugl said that Upper Austria is very interested in joint activities with the Serbian Government on the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube region, particularly through projects such as the improvement of the tourism offer along the Danube in our country.

Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić thanked Strugl for Austria’s help in the implementation of the EU project for the renewal of the Golubac fortress on the Danube, which is valued at 6.6 million euros. Ljajić said that the reconstruction of the fortress, which is expected to start by the beginning of autumn, will be a stimulus for further investments of European partners in tourism infrastructure in Serbia.

Ljajić also invited Austrian businessmen in the field of hospitality to get involved in the process of privatization of hotels and spas in Serbia, which would further improve the economic cooperation between the two countries, but also increase the number of tourist arrivals from Austria, whose number is growing from year to year.