“Towards a National Cyber-Security Strategy in Serbia – The Missing Elements” Seminar Opened at “Petnica” Research Station

The seminar “Towards a National Cyber-Security Strategy in Serbia – The Missing Elements”, held at the “Petnica” Research Station near Valjevo, was opened by Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić and Adel Abusara, representative of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Sava Savić noted that as part of the Strategy for the Development of Information Society in RS by 2020, information security is one of the six strategic priorities and added that within the priority of information security, four key goals have been established: improving the legal and institutional framework for information security, protecting critical information infrastructure, combating high-tech crime and scientific research and development in the field of information security.

“Towards a National Cyber-Security Strategy in Serbia – The Missing Elements” Seminar Opened at “Petnica” Research Station

The OSCE Mission to Serbia, in cooperation with the Diplo Centar civil society organization and with the support of DCAF, implemented the project “Towards a National Cyber-Security Framework in Serbia: Construction of a Multi-Partner Platform” during the spring of 2015. As part of the follow-up to this project, the Mission is organizing the seminar “Towards a National Cyber-Security Strategy in Serbia – The Missing Elements”.

The Assistant Minister said that the improvement of the legal and institutional framework for national security requires the adoption of regulations in the field of information security that will additionally regulate standards of information security, the field of information security, as well as competences and tasks of certain institutions in this field, as well as the need for forming a national CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), aimed at preventive action and coordination in resolving online computer security incidents.

“Towards a National Cyber-Security Strategy in Serbia – The Missing Elements” Seminar Opened at “Petnica” Research Station

Representatives of key state institutions in the field, the private sector and civil society organizations are participating in this seminar, held on 17-19 November.

“The development of information security in RS aims to achieve user trust in the secure functioning of ICT systems, spreading awareness on the need to implement information security measures, data protection, protection of ICT systems, efficient mechanisms of protection and realization of rights in electronic business and electronic data exchange processes”, said Sava Savić.

The OSCE Mission to Serbia supports the development of the national framework in Serbia regarding increasing threats from cyberspace, through the inclusion of the public, corporate and academic sector, as well as civil society organizations.