The promotional campaign for informing the public about the transition to digital broadcasting will start soon

Tatjana Matić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications chaired the first meeting of the Working Group for the realization of the final activities of the project “The transition from analogue to digital terrestrial TV broadcasting”. The representatives of the Republic Broadcasting Agency, RATEL, Radio Television of Serbia, Radio Television of Vojvodina, and the PE “Emisiona tehnika i veze”.

The Working Group discussed the technical readiness of the PE “Emisiona tehnika i veze” for digital broadcasting, the dynamics of the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting by region, ways to assist the vulnerable categories of citizens and the organization of promotional campaigns.

Tatjana Matić pointed out that it is necessary for citizens to be timely informed with what to expect during the transition to digital broadcasting, and that in addition to the relevant ministries and regulatory agencies, the public service media has an important role in this process. Informing the public about all the aspects of digitalization will be enhanced through an extensive promotional campaign that will start at the beginning of September after more than ninety percent of the population becomes able to receive the digital signal.

The Working Group set as its priorities the development of schemes of assistance for vulnerable categories of citizens for which the state will provide the equipment for the reception of digital television signals, as well as the creation of a dynamic plan to inform the public about the transition to digital broadcasting. The aforementioned documents will be adopted at the next meeting of the Working Group which will be held in late August