The Price of “Sava” Bread Remains the Same

The Government of the Republic of Serbia extended the decree whereby the retail price of “sava” bread is limited to a maximum price of up to 46 dinars per loaf until 31 July 2016.

The Decree on the Mandatory Production and Sale of Bread Made of “T-500” Flour obliges bakers to have this 500 gram bread comprise at least 40 percent of their daily production of all types of bread.

Retailers are also obliged to make “sava” bread comprise at least 40 percent of the daily offer in the total placement of bread.

The provision, coming into force on 1 February, envisages penalties of up to two million dinars and the closing of facilities for up to one year in case of failure to adhere to the regulations. The bread must be paid to the bakers within 20 days.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia first limited the price of this bread by decree in July 2011.