The export of apples to Russia is not compromised

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Rasim Ljajić and Minister of Agriculture Snežana Bogosavljević Bošković talked today with the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin about overcoming the misunderstanding regarding the export of apples to the Russian market.

The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin said that the export of Serbia’s agricultural produce to Russia had not been compromised in any way and that there had been no risk that Russia might introduce a ban on fruit and vegetable exports from Serbia.

It was agreed that the misunderstanding was of solely technical nature and the relevant inspectorates will discuss the technical matters relating to exports, in Belgrade, next week.

During the meeting, Ambassador Chepurin was informed about the newly-established export control system for fruits and vegetables heading to Russia, which the relevant services of the two countries put in operation on March 2 of the current year. The system implies the sending of scanned phytosanitary certificates even before a shipment is sent to the Russian market so the competent bodies know in advance the exact content of shipments expected to arrive in Russia.