Tatjana Matic in morning programme on RTS

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic in morning program RTS1 spoke about the award that is the ministry received from the U.S. magazine Computerworld National Project Digital School.

Digital School project has received the prestigious award, which is normally granted for 25 years, said Tatjana Matic. Nominations are divided into 11 separate categories including economic development, new technologies, access to mobile networks, security and safety, philanthropy and global well-being (World-Good) within which the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications received a gold medal for the project Digital school.

Digital School, the largest project of IT equipment of schools, which was conducted in the territory of Republic of Serbia, provided that every school in Serbia gets a modern IT office equipped with a computer, said Matic and concluded that in this way, every student and teacher in Serbia is possible to use computers and information technology in education.

The project is unique in the world in that it included all primary schools and equips more than 3,000 school buildings with more than 28,800 computers.

Also, the Secretary of State has called for associations, endowments and foundations to respond to Public competition for funds programs in the field of information society in 2013 which is published by the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and telecommunications.

One of the priorities of the Ministry is the promotion of the information society by supporting the activities of the program, said Tatjana Matic and explained that the competition is open to the following areas: competition in the field of computer science and mathematics, the safety of children on the Internet, digitization of cultural heritage, teaching in digital classrooms and promotion of social inclusion of people with disabilities using information and communication technologies.