Talking about “Agrokor” in Belgrade next week

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications will host the meeting of ministers of trade and ministers of economy of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, on Wednesday April 19, to discuss about the situation regarding the operations of the concern “Agrokor”.

Invited by Minister Rasim Ljajić, minister of economic development and technologies of Slovenia, Zdravko Počivalšek, minister of foreign affairs and economic relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mirko Šarović and minister of economy of Montenegro, Dragica Sekulić, will participate.

Due to the fact that all countries from the region seek individual solutions to fight back the challenges in the operations of the parts of “Agrokor” on their markets, the meeting in Belgrade will serve for discussion of joint measures and activities to be taken for preserving the jobs, protecting the interest of suppliers, and other issues related to the business stability of the mentioned concern.

Each government of the country in which ”Agrokor” operates has taken different measures, so the meeting in Belgrade will be the first of this kind, where all four countries in this concrete examples will jointly work on protection of joint interests.