Subsidies for scientific and technological potential of Serbia

Assistant Minister for Electronic Communication and Postal Services in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Irini Reljin, has given a speech about the programme “Industry 4.0 and technologies of the future”, within the conference “Innovation Week – Science and Technology meeting the economy” in the Science and Technology Park of Belgrade.

She has reminded that Serbia traditionally has a large number of scientific and technological potential.

Subsidies for scientific and technological potential of Serbia

“Names of Tesla and Pupin are written in the foundation of modern civilisation, and today our young scientists develop innovative solutions which contribute to the raise of the quality of human lives on the global level”; says Ms Reljin, underlining that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has ensured through many projects to more and more people, of all generations, to get involved in the technological flows.

“We are encouraging the young to join the ICT sector through the support programmes for IT communities and school educations. Then, thanks to the IT retraining projects for women this year we got 250 new software developers, and from digitalisation we do not exclude not even the oldest citizens – IT trainings for pensioners are ongoing”, says Ms Reljin.

Subsidies for scientific and technological potential of Serbia

She has particularly underlined that the further development of domestic IT sector is contributed by the Strategy for development of IT industry and recently adopted Action Plan, and that the general use of innovative technologies requires the application of adopted laws from the ICT fields – Law on Information Safety and Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Signature, and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions.

“Serbia is ready for a further development of infrastructure and integration of technological trends in economy and business. In line with that, Strategy for development of new generation until 2023, which entered into force in April, promotes the use of computers in cloud and Internet of Thing, as well as the development of mobile systems of the fifth generation. The goal is to ensure a broadband infrastructure which will enable the access to the fast speed Internet, i.e. environment necessary for development of a Single Digital Market, which will ensure economic growth of our country”, Assistant Minister concluded.