Soon bylaws for more efficient and faster business

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has stated that four priority Ordinances for implementation of the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transfer will be created by the end of January, and that all bylaws are expected to be finished in the first half of this year.

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“We won’t wait for the legal deadline to end, which is 18 months, but we will tend to ensure the implementation of the Law as soon as possible, since it is the best indicator of readiness of the Republic of Serbia to acquire the values of key importance to the modern transactions and communications, and necessary to a successful digitalisation of economy and public administration in line with the priorities of Serbian Government”, says Ms Matić.

When presenting the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transfer at the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade, State Secretary has reminded that in the creation of this act a great role had the economy sector.

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“The ministry has organised numerous public debates and meetings attended by the representatives of the economy and public administration. Therefore, apart from the alignment with the European regulations in this field, there was also the alignment of domestic good practice and elimination of obstacles to efficient business”, reminded Ms Matić.

She has reminded that the implementation of this Law will ensure an increased need for electronic documents, i.e. reduction of “paper work” in business and communication. Also, by developing the field of electronic identification and introduction of various levels of identification schemes, it will be possible to have a big use of electronic services and performance of electronic transactions, and the Law will ensure further development of trust services: guarantee of credibility of data in electronic transactions, introduction of reliable signature in cloud, electronic delivery, and qualified electronic storage.