Soon, a new strategy of broadband Internet access

Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications will soon prepare a new strategy for the development of broadband Internet access, announced Irina Reljin, Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic.

At the regional conference of South East Europe on electronic communications “Telekom Arena”, she said that prior to the development of the document will be completed preparation of maps, availability of broadband infrastructure.

Reljin said that Serbia Broadband Internet with mobile access is steady but noted that for a fixed approach it takes a lot of effort and investment.

Director of the Agency for Electronic Communications Serbia (Ratel) Milan Jankovic said that the development of broadband is one of the generators of the development of society and stressed that Serbia should invest more in this area.

According to him, Serbia should develop a national broadband network that would connect all the organs in one framework and will be easier for citizens to use public services, but also will be easier to access to other content on the Internet.

Jankovic said that as a basis for a national network served the optical cable of Eletroprivreda and railways, as well as the academic network.

SEE Regional Conference on Electronic Communications 10th in road “Telekom Arena” was first held in Serbia, at the Metropol palace hotel in Belgrade.

According to the organizers, Conference brought together over 100 representatives of local and foreign companies and institutions.