Smart and safe for children in the digital environment

“Digital violence is one of the largest issues faced by children in the modern era and according to that raising the level of safety of children in the digital environment is the priority in the activities of the Ministry competent for telecommunications, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, on the occasion of the International Child Day.

She emphasised that the National Contact Centre for Online Safety of Children has developed a new digital platform for providing advice and reporting harmful and disturbing contents on the Internet to the address reminding that all citizens can address the Centre by calling 19833.

Паметно и безбедно за децу у дигиталном окружењу

“Educators of the Centre continue with regular presentations in schools in Serbia. Last week lectures were given for pupils and parents in primary schools in Sremska Kamenica and in Smederevo, and by the end of this year they will visit ten more schools”, says Ms Matić, reminding that starting from the last school year there have been presentations organised in over 20 schools with 2000 pupils and over 600 parents.

State Secretary has underlined that at the new web site of the Centre there is a possibility for schools, organisations, citizen groups, not only to download the educative presentations but to make an appointment for lecture to be given by the representatives of the centre in their city or in their social group using the digital channel.

The International Child Day has been celebrated on 20 November since 1954, with the aim to promote activities for the benefit of children and for drawing the attention of the public to the responsibilities of the society towards children and their current problems.