Share the knowledge

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić, has supported the interschool project named “Share the knowledge” which for the fourth year already has connected the Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” from Žitkovce and Primary School “Kralj Petar prvi”, from Niš.

In a direct connection with Skype, with the programme organised by these two schools for the Girls in ICT Day, the State Secretary has pointed the significance of the exchange of experience and examples of good practice among teachers in the field of ICT.

Within the programme “Share the knowledge”, the following has been organised: exemplary lesson of Civic Education with the topic “Internet and Good Manners”, presentation of a lesson winning the third prize on the competition of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications – “Digital Class”, named “Zdravo, živo”, workshop on prevention of digital violence…

State Secretary Tatjana Matić has used the opportunity to talk about the initiative for a higher engagement of girls into new technologies, announcing the event of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, regarding the celebration of the Girls in ICT Day, to be held on Thursday, April 27, in the Science and Technology Park in Belgrade.