Serbian delegation visiting China

Delegation of the Republic of Serbia, led by State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, will have an official visit to the People’s Republic of China from 3 until 6 December.

Serbian representatives will participate in the fourth World Internet Conference, to be held in Vuzhen, on “Developing digital economy for open and shared benefits – Creation of the society of mutual future in cyber space”.

A number of bilateral meetings is planned for the state secretary Tatjana Matić and Chinese officials, and meetings with the top representatives of “Alibaba Group”. A tour will be organised for our delegation to the largest distribution centre of the company “Xixi” in the seat of the group in Hangzhou, and a discussion about modalities of cooperation and opportunities for coming of “Alibaba” to the Serbian market.

“We will use our visit to China to follow up the technical preparation of the Memorandum of Information Silk Road, to be started in September, when Belgrade was visited by the representatives of the National Committee for development and reform of the PR of China”, says Ms Tatjana Matić.

She has reminded that cooperation was agreed then in the fields of electronic trade, logistics, and exchange of market information, “smart cities” and online tourism.

“Construction of the pilot zone of the economic cooperation was agreed within the Information Silk Road, where each side proposes cities which will in pair be included in the zone. On our side we will propose the City of Niš”, says Ms Matić.

Republic of Serbia will support the initiative for international cooperation in the field of digital economy within the platform “One Belt, One Road”, to be promoted in the conference, and the delegation will participate in the Forum “International Cooperation in the Information Silk Road”.

The plan is also to have meetings with the representatives of the “Huawei” company and other representatives of the economy in China.

Members of the delegation are the representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, heads of the Group for development of the Digital Agenda and Department for regulations, analysis, and planning in the field of information society, Milan Dobrijević and Natalija Radoja, as well as Deputy Mayor of the City of Niš, Dragoslav Pavlović.