Serbia needs to improve information security

The main conclusion of Information Security Conference 2013 that Serbia should improve information security in developing a strategy that would allow for protection of cyberspace (cyber) attacks.

Sava Savic, deputy director of the Digital Agenda, said that the development of e-governance is the key of modernizing the state and they are among the biggest challenges in its development of user education and the establishment of secure electronic service. For that reason, it is necessary an adequate level of information security in all forms to application of ICT as one of the prerequisites to create a sustainable information society.

Savic also announced a strategy to improve the security of the ICT systems of state authorities, a law on information security and cyber defence strategy development, particularly emphasizing the targeted capacity building in the field of information security establishment of the CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) of state organs.

According to the President of the Association of Information Security Serbia, Zoran Zivkovic, cyberspace protection strategy should be part of a broader national security strategy.

“National Strategy Information security is necessary because the cyber space has become as important as land, sky or any other resource,” he said, noting that unprotected cyber space creates unlimited opportunities for various types of attacks and threats.

He said that Serbia is sensitive to cyber attacks from other countries and it is indispensable that they may become part of a European network of CERT network.

Expert in information security Slobodan Petrovic, said that information security has become a permanent obligation of the government and high up priority. He said that it is necessary to revise the security organs in order to track rapid changes in the cyber space, assessing and many solutions used obsolete and unusable.

During the all day conference Information Security 2013 is presented over 20 papers which process very important issue of information security at home and in abroad.

Information Security Conference 2013 organized by the Society of Information Security Serbia (DIBS), Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC) and the company TowersNet under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and telecommunications.