Savić: Regional cooperation to raise information safety

“National Registry of Internet domain is a part which cannot be separated from the national electronic communication infrastructure, and its correct and stabile operation is of crucial importance for smooth performance of a large number of electronic communications of citizens, economic and other organisations, and state bodies in the Republic of Serbia”, as said by the Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić early today at the conference “Internet Domain Day of Serbia 2017”, held in the “Metropol Palace” hotel, with the slogan “Secrets of Internet Browsing: Look, Find, Visit”.

Mr Savić has underlined that the cooperation of CERTs is very significant, and that the Law on Information Safety acknowledges the National CERT, special CERTs, CERTs of national bodies and CERTs of independent ICT system operators of special importance.

Савић: Регионална сарадња у циљу подизањa информационе безбедности

Assistant Minister has stressed that, as other CERTs, CERT RNIDS can be of great help, both in protecting the RNIDS system and in exchange of information with other entities.

Mr Savić has mentioned the adoption of regulations on information safety in RS and underlined the significance of the international cooperation regarding the exchange of information on incidents in ICT systems and joint efforts for preserving the proper level of information safety.

Assistant Minister has participated in the discussion within the round table “Information Safety and National Registries”, on considering the current trends in the field of internet safety and challenges faced by national registries of internet domains, as well as the best practice in this field.

At the Regional Internet Forum, the host was Belgrade, and the representatives of CERT teams and national registries of internet domains of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia also participated.

Mr Savić has told the present participants that, based on Article 17 of the Law on Information Safety (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 6/16), Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications adopted the Rulebook on Close Details for the Registration in the Registry of Special Centres for Prevention of Safety Risks in Information and Communication Systems (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 12/17, on February 22, 2017). He has also pointed out that Special CERTs perform operations of prevention and protection from safety risks in the ICT systems within a certain legal entity, legal person groups, operation field, etc. and that this rulebook defines the procedure of registration in the Registry of Special CERTs kept by RATEL.