Savić handed the agreements to the winners of the competition

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić handed today at the Palace of Serbia the agreements to the winners of the third public competition for granting funds for programs in the field of information society.

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications supported 50 program proposals out of 209 associations, foundations and endowments, which applied for the competition on the five suggested topics: Competition in the field of computing, mathematics and physics; Children safety on the Internet; Digitalization of cultural heritage; Improving the social inclusion of people with disabilities using information and communication technology and Organizing summer schools in the field of computing and information technology.

Sava Savić pointed out that ICT provides plenty of opportunities in all spheres of life, and added that the goal of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, as well as the relevant ministries, is to support ideas and programs like the ones selected in the competition and to provide assistance to associations, endowments and foundations in that field.

Savić handed the agreements to the winners of the competition

In accordance with the Strategy for Information Society Development in the Republic of Serbia until 2020, the Ministry is actively working on support programs, application and promotion of information and communication technologies.