Savić at the conference “The Educational Aspects of the Internet as a Means of Social Interaction”

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić said at the conference The Educational Aspects of the Internet as a Means of Social Interaction”, which was held today in Matica srpska in Novi Sad, and organized by the Fund for the Development of Communication, that the development of ICT in education is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Trade, tourism and telecommunications.

He said that thanks to the program “Digitalna škola (Digital School)” the necessary computer equipment and software for the 2910 primary schools in the Republic of Serbia was acquired, which is the basis for the improvement of ICT tools in education, adding the e-skills of our youngest citizens are promoted in that way.

Savić recalled that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications participated in drafting the Guidelines for promoting the role of ICT in education, and that it is working in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, AMRES and other partners on further steps of introducing ICT in education.

Одржана конференција „Образовни аспекти интернета као средства друштвене интеракције“ у Новом Саду

“We plan to draft a law on electronic commerce, which should regulate the conditions and manner of electronic business and to include the existing laws on electronic signature and electronic document, as well as additionally regulate the delivery of registered e-mails,” said the Assistant Minister for Information Society.

Savić said that, for two years, the Ministry has been organizing competitions for allocation of funds for programs in the field of information society development, in which non-governmental and non-profit organizations can participate, and added that it supported more than 80 projects so far.

The Fund for the Development of Communication, in cooperation with the Ministry, has implemented a program entitled “Habitat – Golden education,” which seeks to strengthen the means of modern technologies and modernize elementary schools as the basis for the future development of society.