Savić at the conference “ICT Serbia Talks” in Stockholm

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić and Senior Advisor in the Group for the Development of Digital Agenda Nebojša Vasiljević participated, on the 25th of November 2014, in a conference on the potential of the ICT sector in Serbia, “Serbia ICT Talks” in Stockholm, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Kingdom of Sweden, Serbian Swedish Business Council (SSBC) and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.

During the visit, Assistant Minister Savić participated in a roundtable entitled “Serbia as a startup destination” where he presented examples of good practice when it comes to Serbian startup companies but also called for Swedish companies to establish cooperation between our two countries.

Савић на конференцији „Serbia ICT Talks“ у Стокхолму

The aim of the conference in Stockholm was the establishment of active cooperation between the two countries in the field of information society development. In particular, there was a discussion about the opportunities and benefits of Swedish companies entering the Serbian market by opening offices and establishing cooperation with local companies in the field of development of IT solutions.