Round Table: Standardisation of Address Data in Serbia

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications will support all national institutions to initiate the implementation of the national address code aiming at raising the efficiency and developing the interconnectedness of the elements of public administrations, for the benefit of all the citizens and the economy of the Republic of Serbia, as stressed by the Assistant Minister for Information Society Mr Sava Savić at the opening of the round table “Standardisation of Address Data in Serbia”.

The round table organised by the Informatics Association of Serbia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and the Association for Electronic Communication and Information Society, has the aim to establish a single address system at the national level. As stated, the City of Belgrade has had a register of streets for more than 50 years, and the Republic Geodetic Authority has and offers electronic address book, but majority of municipalities and utility companies use their own address books.

Округли сто: Стандардизација адресних података у Србији

“Introduction of this standard will define the general principles of the address system at the national level and will ensure an easier exchange of address data among the state institutions”, says Assistant Minister for Information Society.

Mr Savić has stressed that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has recognised the importance of a single national standard for the address system, which will define the form and procedures for data exchange among the state institutions which are in charge of creation, updating and use of address data through their representatives in the Committee for postal services, Institute for Standardisation of Serbia.

Assistant Minister has also added that the Ministry has provided a significant contribution to the creation and adoption of the Draft National Standard for Address System.
“Draft National Standard for Address System was adopted in April in 2016, and it makes a starting point for the creation of the national address register”, says Mr Sava Savić.

The standard, as explained by the Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić, will benefit everyone, the citizens and the state administration: more efficient health and pensions care, payment transactions, registration and collection of taxes, planning of distribution networks of utility services, operations of emergency services, planning and implementing the state policies, and the support to electronic business.

Sava Savić, Assistant Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications spoke in the meeting, as well as Ms Danka Garić, Republic Geodetic Authority, Mr Milan Jelisavac, PE Post of Serbia, and the representatives of RATEL, Directorate for E-Government, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian Business Registers Agency.