Round table on Draft Law on Tourism

Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications and Serbia Chamber of Commerce (SCC) organised a round table within the public discussion on Draft Law on Tourism, on the premises of the SCC in Resavska Street no 15, on Friday, June 8, 2018.

The gathering was opened by the State Secretary for Tourism Miroslav Knežević, stating that the Draft Law on Tourism was created as a result of the situation analysis of the tourism market and consideration of the issues faced by the stakeholders of the touristic sector, and other entities performing the economic activity directly related to tourism.

Draft Law on Tourism should improve the operations of economic entities and protect the rights of consumers in tourism. Reduction of grey economy is one of the priority tasks of the mentioned Draft Law. Also, in the light of further development of tourism in the Republic of Serbia, a need has been identified for the improvement of the coordination of work of touristic organisations at all levels (central, regional, local) for a more efficient promotion, but also the realisation of much better synergy effects having in mind the limits of the budget resources.

When the representatives of the Ministry gave their proposed solutions from the Draft Law on Tourism, the participants of the round table, representatives of the economic sector, academic community, and experts in the field, presented their comments in the form of questions, regarding the text of the mentioned Draft Law.

Remarks, proposals and suggestions can still be submitted electronically to the e-mail address: or by post mail to the address Omladinskih brigade 1, Belgrade, with the label “Public Discussion – Draft Law on Tourism”.