Robotics Week starts in Petnica

Assistant Minister for electronic communications and postal services in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunication Irini Reljin, has ceremoniously opened the Robotics Week, in the Research Station Petnica.

Ms Reljin said to the participants of the programme, pupils of primary schools which were visited by this year’s IT Caravan of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, that knowledge in this field of robot programming, and in other scientific fields to be acquired in Petnica, they could apply in any profession they choose, and in all aspects of life.

At the opening the speech was given by the director of scientific research station Petnica, Nikola Božić, who gave the presentation to the pupils and teachers about the research centre, and also by Mr Alen Poljak, president of the EudLab Association, conducting the workshops on robotics in the IT Caravan.

The Robotics Week covers a two-day workshops from robotics programming, Mind craft workshops, learning about the Petnica and its laboratories, fun contents, as well as IT games without borders, film projections, while on Sunday, 22 October, a competition will be held in robot programming – “Artisans of robotics”

The competition will be participated by the teams of four pupils from 14 schools, from the following cities: Novi Pazar, Pirot, Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo, Čačak, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Sombor.

With the Robotics Week the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications will join the European Week of Programming the initiative of the European Digital Agenda, which is held from 7 to 22 October. When it comes to the number of events Serbia is among first ten countries with so far 288 registered events.