Results of the exams period for intermediaries in the trade of real estate

The decision of the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of September 6, 2016, defines that the Exam period II/2016 for taking the professional exam for intermediaries in the trade and lease of real estate will last from October 10, 2016 until January 27, 2017.

Application for taking the exam was on from September 15 until October 3, 2016.

In line with provisions of the Rulebook on Professional Exam for Intermediaries in Trade and Lease of Real Estate, 6 terms were scheduled for the written part of the exam (test), and 313 candidates in total took it. The test was passed by 242 candidates, which means that 77% of them passed the written part of the exam.

The oral part of the exam, in 10 terms, was taken by 235 candidates. It was passed by 162 candidates, which means 69%.
The total rate of those who have passed the exam in this exam period is 52%, which is the lowest rate in the previous five exam periods, in the period of two years. The number of candidates who have received the certificates on passed professional exam is 2215. The rate of those who have passed the professional exam is 61%.

As it is not possible to define the term of next exam period at the moment, we invite all interested candidates to follow the site of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in particular from March 20, 2017.

All necessary information related to the application and the exam period I/2017 will be published at the web page

Резултати Испитног рока II/2016.
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