Protection of Children from Cyberbullying

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has stressed while signing the Memorandum of Cooperation with the director of the “Save the Children” Organisation for North West Balkans, Andrea Žeravčić, that curbing the cyberbullying among children is a responsibility of the government, and that the fight against cyberbullying among children requires the cooperation in the non-government sector.

“Of special importance is the support and exchange of experience with the international organisations such as Save the Children, which can contribute to the application of good practice of other countries when it comes to the online protection of children”, said Ms Matić, reminding that Serbia has adopted the Regulation of Safety of Children when Using the Information and Communication Technologies, based on which the National Contact Centre for Online Safety of Children was founded.

Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Save the Children Organisation is based on the principle of mutual agreement, understanding and needs for joint actions on improving the protection of children on the Internet in Serbia.

The cooperation involves the creation of the strategic document – Road Map for prevention of cyberbullying among children, of the Republic of Serbia, and the support of the Save the Children Organisation, realisation of the campaign “IT Caravan” of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in the period April 12 – May 25, in 13 cities in Serbia.

Заштита деце од интернет насиља

Director of the Save the Children Organisation for the North West Balkans Andrea Žeravčić, has stressed that this organisation finds it rather significant to participate in the project which aim is to familiarise pupils of primary schools, but also parents and teachers with the practical experience on advantages and dangers of using the new technologies and the Internet, reminding that the IT Caravan is hugely complementary with the campaign of awareness raising implemented by the Save the Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia on protection of children from online dangers and abuse.