Prize winning contest „Digital Hour“ 2016/2017

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has made a decision on selecting the papers awarded in the prize winning contest “Digital Hour” for the school year 2016/2017.

In the light of the contest, there were 267 papers, out of which 51 papers have been selected for the prize, as follows: 17 papers in the field of mathematics, IT science and technical education, 17 papers in the field of social sciences, arts and sports, and 17 papers in the field of natural sciences.

All the papers meeting the requirements of the contest will be published in the electronic Collection of Papers.

We are thankful to all the participants for taking part in this contest and for their effort to ensure that the information and communication technologies (ICT) are used in the teaching process, which definitely contributes to raising the quality of teaching, higher interest of pupils and better understanding of the teaching material. We invite all the teachers to use ICT in their future work, to improve the quality of teaching, and to participate in future contests to be conducted in this field.

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