Privatisation of four spas to take place immediately

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbian Government and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said that three saps in Serbia and finding an investor for their revitalisation a priority for this Government.
He has said that the Government Committee has decided that regulating the status of Bujanovac Spa, Mataruška Banja and Bogutovac Spa is of great importance.

Mr Ljajić has said in Niš Spa that a special committee established by four ministries has decided that the privatisation process should immediately start in Bujanovac Spa, Bogutovac Spa and Kuršumlija Spa.

“We intend to revitalise those spas which do not operate or operate poorly, and there is a possibility for them to find a strategic partner or possible buyer”, Mr Ljajić has said after visiting the Rehabilitation Insitute “Niška banja”. He has pointed out that the committee is considering every single spa individually since each of them has its specific issues.

“There is already an interest of a Slovakian partner in Mataruška Banja and Bogutovac Spa, we have seen today that the owner and a shareholder of Prolom Spa is interested in buying Kuršumlija Spa, which is fully devastated, has not been operating for 10 years, and we are looking for an investor or a strategic partner for Bujanovac Spa”, Minister has said.

Speaking of the current situation of Niš Spa, Mr Ljajić has estimated that it can become a serious tourism and congress centre, but that it requires new contents and accommodation capacities.

“New contents are necessary here, not only in the field of health, but also accommodation capacities which currently boil down to several private households and firms”, Minister has said.

Mr Ljajić has added that the government cannot invest in new hotels, but only in necessary infrastructure, and that the construction of accommodation capacities need to find investors.

“Government is ready to allocate funds for traffic and other communal infrastructure, but it is necessary to receive projects from the local self-governments”, Mr Ljajić has stated.