Preventive inspection control of mediators in trade of real estate

In line with the provision of Article 13 of the Law on Inspection Control (“Official Gazette of RS”, number 36/2015) Market inspection is performing for the second year in a row preventive inspection controls, with official counselling visits to controlled entities.

These visits cover all entities-mediators performing the activity of mediators in trade and lease of real estate and are performed by inspectors of all departments of market inspection.

Official counselling visits refer to the creation of the analysis of risks from money laundering and terrorism funding, in line with the new guidelines, made by the Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications on 18 August 2017.

For identified irregularities in official counselling visits the inspection will not punish, but provide advice controlled entities, provide notices, containing the recommendation on that, how to correct the mistake or irregularities.

Official counselling visits shall be performed by inspectors from 7 November until 20 December 2017.