Presentations on Online Children Protection

State Secretary in the Ministry of trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that starting from the school year, in the organisation of that Ministry, presentations on children online protection were made for over 2000 pupils of fifth, sixth, and seventh grade, and for around 600 parents.

Presentations on Online Children Protection

She has said that the educators of the National Contact Centre have visited schools in the previous two months in 20 cities in Serbia and held presentations to pupils and parents on the dangers on the Internet and prevention and protection from abuse of new technologies.

“From the time it was established in February this year, the Centre is a single place for reporting illegal and disturbing contents and communication on the Internet, and there have been around 3500 calls and reports so far. At the same time, it serves as an advisory centre for providing information and advice vie phone or digital channels about safe use of the Internet. Representatives of the Centre also visit schools in order to make a direct communication with children and parents and underline the potential dangers and forms of risk behaviour online”, explained Ms Matić.

Presentations on Online Children Protection

State Secretary has reminded that the National Contact Centre for Online Safety of Children started realising education at the end of the school year when the lectures were held in the largest schools in all Belgrade municipalities, and by the end of the year the plan is to realise educations in another 14 schools in Serbia.

All citizens can address the Contact Centre for information, advice, or reports regarding the abuse of new technologies, calling the number 19833 or using digital platform .