Preparations for negotiations on Chapter 3

The delegation of the Republic of Serbia, headed by State Secretary Tatjana Matić met on September 16, 2015, in Brussels, with the representatives of the European Commission in order to present the criteria for opening negotiations on Chapter 3 “Right of Establishment and Freedom to provide Services”.

At the meeting, the representatives of the European Commission provided guidance and directions for the preparation of the strategy required to fulfill the established criteria. In addition, future steps in the negotiation process were presented.

Preparations for negotiations on Chapter 3

State Secretary Tatjana Matić informed the representatives of the European Commission about the progress made in the negotiation Chapter 3 after the bilateral screening meeting and the meeting of the Subcommittee for Internal Market and Competition.

She said that the adoption of the law on services and law on recognition of professional qualifications is planned by the end of the year. The establishment of points of single contact for services is also planned, as well as the development of a strategy for services. The strategy for the harmonization of legislation in the field of professional qualifications with the European acquis is being drafted in order to meet the criteria for opening the negotiation Chapter 3 and the Action Plan.