Practical Advice on Minimizing Exposure to Mobile Telephony Radiation

As part of the social responsibility campaign “Choose How to Communicate”, mobile telephony subscribers, numbering over 10 million in Serbia, are advised on how to minimize exposure to electromagnetic radiation as an unavoidable consequence of mobile phone usage, as well as other devices used in daily life. The campaign was initiated by Telekom Srbija, in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade and supported by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

The goal of the project is educating users and raising awareness on the responsible use of mobile devices.

One of the basic recommendations is advice for users to avoid using telephones when the reception is poor, to keep the device away from themselves when establishing connection or sleeping, as well as to use SMS messages for short exchanges.

The campaign is supported by a microsite, on which users can find, besides basic information about sources of electromagnetic (EM) radiation, also advice on how to use mobile devices correctly, information about how mobile networks operate and the legal framework in this area.