Pilot project of e-Education and e-Class Register service presented today in the conference in the Second School of Economics

Pilot project of e-Education and e-Class Register service presented today in the conference in the Second School of Economics, attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabić, Minister of Education, Science, and Technological Development Mladen Šarčević, and State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić has said, during the presentation that digitalisation and better education are two main priorities of the Government, without which modern Serbia and the necessary development can’t exits, and thanked to the Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications for the devoted team work in the field of digitalisation and education as well as for the realisation of the project of networking of schools with the Academic network of the Republic of Serbia.

Пилот пројекат еПросвета и сервис еДневник, представљени су данас на конференцији у Другој економској школи

The pilot project of e-Education and e-Class Register service, is a strategic project of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which aim is to raise the level of digital maturity of schools and a successful digital transformation of education which will provide the pupils, teachers and parents with a faster access to information and replacement of the previous paper form of records keeping.

Пилот пројекат еПросвета и сервис еДневник, представљени су данас на конференцији у Другој економској школи

State Secretary has used the opportunity to support the first service of e-Education to be presented, e-Class Register – national platform for digital record keeping, analysis and reporting on the results and progress of pupils, and for alignment of the curriculum in all schools and emphasised that the objective of the joint work of the line ministry of education and telecommunications is the work on improving the telecommunication infrastructure in all primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Serbia in the upcoming 2 years.