Petnica hosting the campaign “IT Caravan 02”

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications told the pupils of the First primary school in Valjevo, at the presentation of the campaign “IT caravan 02” in the Research Centre “Petnica” to use the new technologies for improving their knowledge and skills in any field of their interest.

Петница домаћин кампање „ИТ караван 02“

“It is necessary, however, to be very cautious, and the best way to protect yourselves from abuse on the internet is actually to use your knowledge”, Ms Matić has underlined, saying that “Petnica” as a research centre is known for nourishing young talents, and should be a place of inspiration for acquiring and spreading the knowledge using the new technologies.

On this occasion the State Secretary has given the educational set of robots to the principle of the school Ms Mileva Mojić, for whose pupils a lecture was given on safe use of internet and workshop on robotics within the campaign of the Ministry, realised under the slogan “Smart and Safe”.

Петница домаћин кампање „ИТ караван 02“

State Secretary has also met with the director of the Research Centre “Petnica”, Vigor Majić, expressing her hope that this scientific centre will be a significant partner in the realisation of other educational programmes launched by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

“IT caravan” for smart and safe use of the new technologies has been realised this year in Novi Pazar, Pirot, Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo, Užice, and Čačak, and by May 25, it will be presented in Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Pančevo and Sombor.