New technological centre in Valjevo

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has underlined at the opening of the Start-up Centre in Valjevo, that the development of local IT communities is of key significance for that sector, but for the entire population in general, so that the young could improve their knowledge and have motivation to stay in the country, since the IT is our most prosperous economic branch.

“Export of computer services in 2016 reached 739.5 million euros, and the trade balance was in plus by 407.3 million euros”, said Ms Matić, adding that a large number of established IT organisations was registered last year.

Нови технолошки центар у Ваљеву

“I believe that the Start-up centre Valjevo will provide the young in this city with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of IT, through education programs, meetings, exchange of ideas and information and joint work. This will additionally improve the role Valjevo has in Serbian IT industry but also in science, with the tradition of nourishing talents in Petnica and Gymnasium of Valjevo”, said State Secretary.

She has mentioned that Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has recognised the potential of technological association and that it supports the local development of the IT community within the Public Competition for granting funds for programmes in the field of development of the information society.

“This year we’ve financed 10 projects of the IT community contributing to the networking of the citizens and economic entities at the local level. These projects should contribute and increase the competences of the citizens in the field of ICT industry and technological entrepreneurship, with the aim of employment and self-employment in the field of ICT”, said Ms Matić, pointing out that the Government of the Republic of Serbia will continue with strengthening of the ICT sector also through various measures of fiscal policy.
The Start-up centre Valjevo is a part of the programme of the “National Network of local technological communities”, within which the Start-up has opened a centre in Majdanpek.