New Rulebook on the transition from analog to digital television broadcasting and multiplex access

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications issued a rulebook on the transition from analog to digital television broadcasting and multiplex access, which was published in the Official Gazette of RS on August 18, 2014.

The rulebook details the technical requirements and the dynamics of the transition to digital TV broadcasting. It defines the layout of radio frequency channels according to distribution zones for the first, second and third multiplex, it determines the approach to multiplex access, as well as the further development of the initial network for testing digital TV signals broadcasting. The rulebook stipulates that at least 95% of the population will be covered by digital terrestrial television signal in the first multiplex, and at least 90% of the population in the second and third multiplex.

In addition, the deadline for the launch of simulcast and termination of analog services is defined according to distribution zones. Simulcast is a transition period, i.e. the parallel broadcasting of analog and digital television signals. It was determined that simulcast will begin on September 1, 2014 and that the first analog transmitters will be disabled on March 1, 2015.

The minimum technical requirements for the broadcasting of digital terrestrial television signals are given in the attachment to the rulebook, which determines the type of signal that can be received by digital TV receivers (TV sets and set-top-boxes). In accordance with these conditions, the Ministry will establish a trademark guarantee “Digital TV” that will be used to mark the receivers, so that citizens can easily identify the products that can be used to receive digital TV signals in the Republic of Serbia.

State Secretary Tatjana Matić noted that the digitalization of terrestrial television is a process of great importance for the improvement of the public media in Serbia, especially in the context of new communication, information and interactive services which will become available to the public. Digital television provides better sound and picture quality, diverse content and multiple television programs, new opportunities for two-way communication, high-definition TV resolution and services for people with special needs.

Digitalization will enable a more efficient and rational use of the radio frequency spectrum. An exempt portion of the spectrum will be used for new services, promoting the development of technology, promoting competition and more opportunities for improving creativity and preserving the cultural identity.