Networks of new generations for a Single Digital Market

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said that the adoption of the Strategy for Development of Networks of New Generations until 2023, the Government of Serbia has demonstrated the commitment to the full digital transformation of the economy and business in the Republic of Serbia.

“Strategy for Development of Networks of New Generations defines measures to ensure infrastructure for development of a Single Digital Market in the Republic of Serbia, in line with the strategic frame of the European Union in this field. Joining of our economy to the Single Digital Market ensures an accelerated development in all economic fields”, says Ms Matić.

Networks of new generations for a Single Digital Market

She added that the Strategy contains the analysis of the field of information and communication technologies, based on which it has been recognised that investment in the field of broadband access directly affects the increase of the number of new jobs, development of small and medium-sized enterprises, competitiveness of all economic sectors and improvement of life quality of the citizens.

“Strategy promotes the use of computers in cloud and Internet of Things, as well as a development of mobile systems of the fifth generation (5G)”, says Ms Matić, emphasizing that the improvement of the information and communication infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia is important also because the application of the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions, adopted at the end of the last year, will bring a higher need for the application of cloud (computing in cloud), which got a legal frame.

“Measures are defined to be used by state authorities to ensure the application of new technologies, increase of the total value of competitiveness index, ensure access to infrastructure of electronic communications, and expand the set of services which can be found in the offer to residential and business users”, concluded State Secretary.

Serbian Government has adopted the Strategy for Development of Network of New Generation by 2023, at the session on April 19, at the proposal of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.