National contact centre for online safety of children

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has said that the unique national contact centre for online safety of children will be up and running starting from February 2017.

“The project of establishing a unique national contact centre for online safety of children, was stopped based on the Ruling on online safety of children, imposing prevention and education in these fields, as well as the establishment of the centre for registration of all types of cyber abuse. The contact centre provides parents, teachers and all other citizens, and the children themselves, who might have suspicions that online safety or rights of children are violated, with the opportunity to report such a case or suspicion, but also to get informed about potential online dangers as well”, Ms Tatjana Matić has said.

Национални контакт центар за безбедност деце на интернету

“Apart from curbing the abuse and improving online safety of children, a project’s objective is also prevention and education, as well as raising of digital literacy among all Serbian citizens, which involves and points out the advantages of using ICT in education, business, everyday life”, State Secretary has added, underlining that the work of this centre will involve other competent institutions, such as the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Национални контакт центар за безбедност деце на интернету

The contact centre for management of incidents and provision of support to the information safety and online safety of children, founded by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in cooperation with Asseco SEE company, was announced at the working breakfast with the media in Envoy Hotel in Belgrade.