National Conference on the safety of children on the Internet and the safe use of ICT in Serbia

The Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the B92 Fund is organizing a National Conference on the safety of children on the Internet and the safe use of ICT in Serbia, as part of the “Click Safely – Safer Internet Center of Serbia”.

The Conference will be held on Monday, November 18, 2013, starting at 10h at the MPs’ club (Klub Poslanika), Tolstojeva 2, Belgrade.

During the conference, the activities of the National Safer Internet Center of Serbia in its first year of operation will be presented, as well as the activities, experiences, and the most important challenges in the area of child protection and protection of other Internet users which are implemented by other national authorities, national and international organizations in Serbia, and the activities that all the aforementioned stakeholders are planning for the future.

The conference will gather representatives from the relevant ministries of the Republic of Serbia, from the judiciary system, regulatory bodies, school administration, the corporate sector, NGOs and international organizations, as well as the representatives of the organizations working on improving the safety of children and other users of ICT, and on promoting the safe use of the Internet.

Please confirm your participation in the conference on until Saturday, November 16, at the latest.

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