Ms Renata Pindžo in a meeting with UNWTO for Europe

Assistant Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Renata Pindžo has participated early today in the annual meeting of the Regional Commission for Europe of the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) in Chisinau.

Participation of Serbia in this meeting has a great importance, having in mind the fact that our country is a member of the UNWTO Executive Council, applying for the candidateship for its third term in the most important body of that international organisation, for the period 2018-2021.

In the course of her presentation Ms Renata Pindžo has stressed that Serbia remains committed to the development of the sustainable tourism, and that it fully supports the UNTWO Platform “Journey to 2030”.

Ms Pindžo has invited all the participants to participate in the International Conference “Sustainable development of tourism in the Danube Region – New Perspectives”, to be held in Belgrade on June 29 and 30, 2017.