Ms Pindžo has opened the 9th International Fair of Tourism and Rural Tourism in Kragujevac

Assistant Minister for tourism Renata Pindžo has opened today the 9th Internaitonal Fair of Tourism and Rural Tourism in Kragujevac, saying that this was the record year for Serbian tourism, and that Šumadija and the City of Kragujevac successfully keep up with the trend.

“This year Kragujevac marks an increase in the number of tourists by 11 per cent while the number of overnight stays is higher by 13 per cent compared to the same period last year”, she said.

Ms Pindžo has stressed that the Government and the line Ministry plan to put even higher efforts supporting the porjects fo development of tourism in the Šumadija area. “After this year’s analysis of the effects of the action “Vouchers for holidays in Serbia” and considering the current and future trends of domestic demand, we will do everything to make the City of Kragujevac engage in the action of granting vouchers for the next year”, Assistant Minister has announced.

In the Fair the representatives of the line Ministry participated in professional lectures and presentations in which the discussion was about the Catalogue of job position in tourism and about the activities regarding the vouchers for holiday in Serbia.

With the aim to present the touristic potentials of Serbia and the countries in the region, the International Fair of Tourism and Rural Tourism in Kragujevac this year has gathered again numerous presenters, representatives of touristic organisations, travel agencies and touristic centres, hoteliers, caterers, and others to present the unified offer with authentic products for the upcoming touristic season which accent will be on rural areas.

This event also covers the Fair of Home Canned Food where around 40 manufacturers of organic food and beverage present their local domestic products.

The Fair which lasts from 24th until 26th November is organised by Šumadija Fair and City Touristic Organisation of Kragujevac with co-financing by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.