Mrs Pindžo at the 22nd session of the General Assembly of the World Touristic Organisation

Assistant Minister for tourism Renata Pindžo was part of the 22nd session of the United Nations General Assembly of the World Touristic Organisation (UNWTO) held in Chengdu, Chine on 9-17 September, where she presented the strategic commitment of the Serbian Government regarding the sustainable development of the competitive and innovative touristic economy.

She said that as in all developed and successful economies of the modern world, it is also believed in Serbia that everything is based on the idea of private initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and social consensus on the important role of the government and the entire society in reaching such values and long-term policies.

She also presented the results of Serbian tourism, and the existing and planned programmes and models of support to be taken by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the next period in line with the adopted Strategy of Tourism Development 2016-2025.

Пинџо на 22. седници Генералне скупштине Светске туристичке организације

Assistant Minister has used her stay in China to participate in the general debate on innovative mechanism of financing as an addition to traditional ODA and development of the cooperation in order to strengthen the tourism in terms of achieving the results of sustainable development and the UN Agenda 2030.

At the 22nd session of the General Assembly, Zurab Plolikashvili was named as the UNWTO Secretary General for the period 2018-2021, and the instruction for adoption of the Draft Framework Convention on Ethics in Tourism were adopted, and an ad hoc committee for the preparation of the final text was established.

Session of the General Assembly in Chengdu was an excellent opportunity to meet with the representatives of the UNWTO Member States and discuss the priorities of the international cooperation in the field of tourism in the next period.

At the same time in Chengdu there was the 62nd meeting of the Regional Committee of t Europe, and 106th and 107th session of the UNWTO Executive Council.

The Republic of Serbia, through the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has established an excellent cooperation with the UNWTO and a respectable status of a Member State both of the Regional Committee for Europe and the Executive Council.