Mr Savić: Use of the latest trends and technologies is important for the process of digital transformation of business

At the 16th traditional counselling “Credit Cards 2018” where the novelties in card system and cashless payment were presented, the Assistant Minister for Information Society and Information Safety has underlined that due to digital transformation of business the largest changes take place in the banking system, adding that when it comes to the use of new technologies, the banking sector is among the most dynamic ones.

Serbian Chamber of Commerce has stressed that according to the data given by the National Bank of Serbia in 2017, there were 57 per cent of the transactions realised with the credit cards, and only last year there were over a million and a half of internet payments.

Mr Savić: Use of the latest trends and technologies is important for the process of digital transformation of business

Mr Savić has said that the banking system always uses the latest trends and technologies, which is important for the process of digital transformation and digitalisation of the society.

Assistant Minister has stressed that in the segment of credit cards lies a large potential for identification while performing the electronic services of the government, economy, banks towards the citizens and companies, since the qualifies electronic certificates for qualified electronic signature, which has been equalised with the manual signature, is held only by five per cent of the citizens.

According to the words of the Assistant Minister banks are expected to become providers of electronic identification services and that the users could use their e-banking credentials to access the services of electronic governance.
“Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification, and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions provides a faster and more efficient operations with a reduction of costs”, say Mr Savić.

“Development of contactless smart cards and with the advancement of the technology of “digital wallet”, instant payments, information and communication technologies ensure a full dematerialisation of money, to the extent that money itself if becoming a specific monetary information”, Mr Savić concluded.