Mr Savić at Third Forum on Advanced Technologies in Niš

At the Third Forum on Advanced Technologies held in Niš, Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić, during the presentation at the panel “Towards New Technologies” underlined that the creation of near future would mostly influence the development of advanced technologies, and their application in all business fields. “Serbia is achieving excellent results in production and export of software which in 2016 was around 750 million euros which is twice more than in 2014, and expectations are that by 2020 it exceeds 1.2 billion euros”, says Mr Savić.

Mr Savić has underlined that the fourth industrial revolution is the high-tech revolution and that actually there are no industries not to be digitalised.

The assessment of the European Commission is that in the European Union, by 2020, there is going to be a lack of 800.000 experts familiar with IT technologies, says Mr Savić, adding that the reason for that is the digitalisation in all areas.

“Digital transformation which exists in all spheres of society has brought to the tectonic changes on the labour market. The workforce pyramid where we until recently had the largest need for manual work, and smaller for highly educated staff is now reversed, so the need for IT experts and highly educated staff is in the constant growth, which is a feature of the digital society”, says Assistant Minister.

“Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunication continuously works on the programmes to ensure education of new staff in this sector. This is why we supported the introduction of computer science as an obligatory subject in primary schools, and all schools and digital offices are connected to the Internet and AMRES Network, and we also supported the establishment of 10 new IT Hubs and StartUp centres in Serbia with the aim to develop new staff and create StartUp ecosystems”, say Mr Sava Savić.

Mr Savić has underlined that the newly adopted Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions will ensure full application of the mobile office in transactions and added that there is a huge need for the development of mobile services of e-Trade and electronic transactions, and new services of electronic administration. The Law envisages also the service of electronic signature in the “cloud”, i.e. mobile phone, which will make the use of qualified electronic certificate massive.

Assistant Minister has added that according to the research of World Economic Forum Serbia is in 30% of bet countries when it comes to the technological readiness, number of citizens using the Internet and new technologies, and that with the development of human capital and highly educated staff Serbia is taking its chance in the digital economy.

The goal of the third Forum of advanced technologies, which takes place from 17 to 19 October, is to gather all active stakeholders in the field of advanced technologies in the field of economy, science, and education, and a chance to present achievements of advanced technologies through exhibitions and panels.