Mr Ljajić: We expect Croatia will immediately change the Rulebook

Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić expects that Croatia will change its Rulebook on inspection control and alignment control of fruit and vegetables with the market standards, today or tomorrow.

“I believe that the Croatian Rulebook will be significantly changed. Anyway, based on the talks we have had these two days my impression is there is willingness of all sides to solve the issues as soon as possible”, says Minister to the press in Belgrade.

He has added that there is still no assessment of the economic loss, but that in a trade war of any countries there are no winners, but those who are bigger or smaller losers.

“People should know that every day due to this situation, are equally suffer the economic damage. We are not happy that others have bigger damage than we do. We were right, the European Commission has informally confirmed that opinion, but that does not mean we should be excited for that, but try to find a solution in the upcoming two or three days”, concluded Mr Ljajić.

He has emphasized that the defined deadline for the Croatian reaction is the end of this week, adding that any delays would cause even bigger damage.

When it comes to the countermeasures of Serbia, Mr Ljajić has said that the “best option” is still being considered.

“I can’t believe we won’t find a solution, since then s spiral of measures and countermeasures will start, bringing us to an uncertain outcome”, he said.

Mr Ljajić has reminded that all remarks regarding the current Rulebook referred to the increase of the price by 22 times, that the fees needed to be paid per type of fruit and vegetables, not per truck, as is the case in the EU Member States, and that one tariff, price of the inspection control applied to the manufacturers from Croatian, and other for those from third countries.

He has added that doing so Serbia was brought to unequal position out of competition, compared to the manufacturers from Croatia.

He said that Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia have aligned the opinions, asking for the prices of tariffs and fees to be equal to those applicable to manufacturers from Croatia and other countries.